Adding muut comments to a ghost blog

After upgrading to ghost 0.4.3 over the weekend and finding that a few of my custom configurations got zapped...well, I should have backed up the post.hbs and the default.hbs files, shouldn't I!

The below steps will get a muut comments section up and running on your site, but before you do that you might need to set up a muut account.

Once you have your muut details, to embed them into ghost simply do the following.

  • Configure the default.hbs file to pick up the muut stylesheet and the comments section plug in:

    1. Open the ~/ghost/content/themes/casper/default.hbs file.
    2. Insert the following CSS stylesheet link into the {{! Styles'n'Scripts }} section of the file: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
    3. Insert the following muut JavaScript link into {{! The main JavaScript file for Casper }} section of the file. <script src="//"></script>
    4. Save and exit. Here are screenshots of my configuration. embed css shotembed js shot
  • Configure the post.hbs file to insert the comments section at the bottom of each article you write.
    Note: Before you continue here, make sure you have your muut information. You should be able to get it, using this link as an example Once you have that, use the following steps:

    1. Open the ~/ghost/content/themes/casper/post.hbs file.
    2. Add your muut forum code under the footer section of the file.
    3. Save and exit.

    Here is a screenshot of my configuration.

    embed blog shot

Finally, restart ghost to pick up the changes:
service ghost restart

Or, if like me you are using the forever command.

  • Stop the running ghost instance and start it again
    cd ~/var/www/ghost/
    forever stop index.js
    NODE_ENV=production forever start index.js

Note: Using the forever restart option does not pick up file changes for me, perhaps it's a bug with ghost, or forever, or me! That is why I have to stop/start it. And, below is the comments section that prove this works!
